Sunday 12 February 2012

Valentine Chocolate

Valentine day is only few days away!
Why not make it yourself this year?

Here are what you need.

460g Chocolate
230g Whipping cream
3 Table spoon Honey 
1.5 Table spoon Butter
Cocoa powder
Green tea powder

Green tea powder is optional,
basic is made with Cocoa powder.
I used it only because it was at home already :)

After one night,

Final version of chocolates!

Left with green tea powder and 
right with cocoa powder.



  1. I wanna make chocolate too!!!!!!!!!! It looks just too dificult for me. :P

  2. If I could do it, you could do it too!!!! Don't worry too much :)

  3. I like the green tea powder in this. Very interesting as my recipe has a completely different order and turns out very similar (ie, melt butter then choc then add the cream) - just goes to show that so long as you've got nice ingredients it'll all work out delicious. nicola

  4. When I was looking for recipes, many people did it different ways with similar ingredients so I personally thinks step does not matter too much for this type of chocolate :)

  5. Looks extremely delicious! I will definitely be attempting to create my own chocolate factory soon...

  6. It was really really sweet :) If you do not like it to be too sweet, you could use dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate!

  7. What is the texture of the chocolate like? hard or chewy?
